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  • Survei Penelitian
  • Survei Riset Produk
Survei Penelitian

Survei Riset Produk

Saat perusahaan atau organisasi manufaktur menghasilkan produk baru, mereka perlu melakukan survei publik. Memahami reaksi publik pertama terhadap produk yang berorientasi konsumen sangat penting. Untuk mengetahui apakah orang menyukai produk baru, Anda perlu melakukan survei produk baru. Surveiku memiliki sampel dan template yang akan membantu Anda berhasil melakukannya.

Contoh kuesioner untuk peluncuran produk baru: Memulai

Sebagai tindakan pencegahan, sebagian besar bisnis mensurvei peluncuran produk baru untuk melindungi diri dari kerugian keputusan bisnis.

Jika merilis produk atau layanan dan belum melakukan survei riset produk, itu lebih baik untuk bertindak lebih cepat daripada nanti. Dengan pertanyaan survei produk baru yang tepat—dan sedikit bantuan dari Surveiku—Anda dapat mempelajari dengan tepat apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan produk Anda dan memastikan kesuksesan yang lebih besar debut.

Cara memilih pertanyaan survei produk baru

Kuesioner produk baru tidak boleh hanya menanyakan pertanyaan dasar yang sama. Misalnya, sampel kuesioner survei untuk produk makanan baru akan sangat berbeda dari kuesioner untuk produk kosmetik.

Hal yang sama berlaku untuk kuesioner tentang kualitas produk karena setiap kategori produk memiliki kategorinya sendiri fitur dan area penting yang dapat ditingkatkan.

Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menemukan contoh pertanyaan produk baru yang benar, lalu memilihnya dengan bijak. Setiap pertanyaan harus memberikan umpan balik yang berharga dari pelanggan mengenai fitur yang diperlukan untuk membuat produk berhasil. Hanya dengan begitu produk terbaik dapat dibawa ke pasar — produk yang benar-benar diinginkan oleh pelanggan inginkan dan kemudian akan membeli.

Dengan mempertimbangkan hal tersebut, pilih pertanyaan survei evaluasi produk berdasarkan beberapa kategori yang berbeda. Itu tiga berikut akan mengumpulkan wawasan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan perbaikan yang diperlukan untuk produk sebelumnya peluncuran.

Brand and category awareness: Find out how customers perceive your brand

Before asking questions about a new product, it's important to gain insight into whether a target audience recognizes your brand or its product category. Ask a few questions about what respondents associate with your brand.

As a follow-up, ask what category your product fits into. It's important to find out early if it even makes sense to launch a product in this particular category.

If a well-known brand, customers might feel confused if a new product is completely outside of its usual category. Consumers like brands to stick with what they know. Asking the correct product research survey questions can help confirm if you're on the right track.

Having trouble creating the right questions for your survey? Read our guidelines on how to write good survey questions and ensure relevant customer feedback.

Product functionality and feedback: Get valuable feedback about specific features

Next, ask specific questions about the product. To do so, make an effective product satisfaction survey containing relevant questions about a new product’s features.

Come up with questions that will provide information about whether the correct features were given priority. A new product survey can ask respondents to rank features from high to low, giving an idea of what the target audience is looking for. This section of the survey should also ask consumers for feedback about a proposed product and what they would change about it.

Read our beginner-friendly blog about conducting survey research in seven easy steps to get more valuable tips and tricks.

User experience: Ask customers about their experience with a product

Finally, you want to learn every detail about a user's experience with a new product. Typically, such questions are only asked if respondents have had the opportunity to use it directly. Seeking information about customer experiences and getting answers to customer satisfaction questions will gauge whether customers are having a good experience with a prototype.

The goal is to better understand what features are well received and the areas that need improvement. A product feedback survey is essential to providing customers what they want moving forward. It will also provide valuable insights about how to deliver the best customer experience possible by guiding changes and improvements to products based on user feedback.

A customer feedback form is a great addition to standard market research surveys. It is especially helpful to product managers and similar corporate stakeholders.

What questions to ask in a new product survey?

Now that you know which categories on which to focus, what about the specific content of a new product research questionnaire? If you're looking for examples, our survey software is here to help. Here are three survey questions to get you started:

  • How often would you use this product? This is a great question because it tells product developers how sturdy the product needs to be and its potential uses.
  • How would you rate this product's value versus its price? Pricing your item correctly can be a key element of a successful launch. This question helps you understand if you've priced it right.
  • How likely would you be to recommend this product? Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the best ways to grow your business. If people don't want to recommend your product, it likely won't perform well at launch.

Product survey questionnaire sample

In order to properly research the market, choose the right new product launch questionnaire. When doing so, keep in mind that every new product survey needs to contain the proper questions. These may differ based on the product’s category. A sample questionnaire for a new food product will differ greatly from those for a cosmetic or clothing item.

New product survey questions examples

If you want to make your own sample questionnaire for a new product launch, use our new product survey questions examples below as inspiration. You can customize these to meet your specific needs:

  • Which feature is most important to you?
  • What feature is this product missing?
  • What aspects attract you to this product?
  • What category do you associate our company’s products with?
  • Rank this product's features from top to lowest priorities.
  • How easy is it to use this product?